Hi everyone!
So yeah, I decided it might be fun to share my art artwork here on newgrounds, as I heard it's and open and friendly community, which I appreciate!
I mainly specialise in scaly characters with a strong focus on dinosaurs. Of course I draw things besides that and like to explore, but as you will see in my gallery I have pretty clear preferences :)
Since 2006 I have been active and sharing artwork in the furry community as it is the go-to platform to promote and share my content, that being anthropomorphic characters.
In case you like the stuff I put out and are interested in a commission, please feel free to drop me a note about it.
Hello and welcome to the site. Just as an FYI: If you have any older artwork you are proud of, you should consider uploading it every once in a while to help you get noticed and scouted.
Sometimes if you upload art at a bad time while none of the scouters are watching the new art section you get missed by them.
If you don't know what scouting is read here: https://ornery.newgrounds.com/news/post/388624
Your art definitely qualifies for scouting in terms of quality so I recommended you.
Hey there and thank you so much :)
I'd definitely love to share much more, old and new of course, but since I'm still new I need to look around a bit to see how things work here ^^
So thanks a lot for the link and the FYI :3